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NO.TitlePublish Date
21Call Recording Retention Policy for 1999 Taipei Citizen Hotline: Recordings are Archived for 5 years and Deleted Periodically after the Retention Period. With One-Year Grace Period to Reduce Inconvenience for the Public, the Policy Will be Enacted on July 1, 2024.2023-05-19
22Taipei City Government Launches Two-Day Team Taipei Consensus Camp2023-01-18
23Nearly Half of Taipei Citizens Prefer to Go Cashless for Their Payments2022-12-19
24Human Rights Day - Mayor Ko and Citizens of Taipei City Review the Public Participation2022-12-16
2574% of Taipei Citizens Approve Taipei City Government’s Execution Capability and Legal Compliance2022-11-18
26Deputy Mayor Pong Announces the Achievement of Open Data Use and Thanks Researchers’ Efforts2022-11-18
2765 Percent of Taipei's Citizens are Satisfied with Urban Aesthetic Improvements2022-10-31
28Eighty-three Percent of Taipei City Residents Live in Self-owned Houses, of Which Seventy-nine Percent of the Property Age Older Than Thirty Years2022-09-21
29Announcement of the Members of the 8th Taipei Youth Affairs Committee2022-08-30
302022 Taipei Expo Launches the Official Website and Welcomes All to Visit the Six Exhibition Areas online2022-08-19
31Poll: Nearly 60 Percent Satisfied with Taipei City Mayor Ko's Governing Achievements2022-07-28
32Nearly half of the office workers in Taipei City are not affected by the epidemic2022-07-21
33Taipei Youth Affairs Committee is Recruiting the 8th Youth Committee Members Online to Contribute to Public Affairs2022-06-28
3474% of Taipei Citizens Satisfy with Street Cleanliness2022-05-10
35Internal Testing of Audio Transcription Collaboration to Improve Service efficiency of 1999 Taipei Citizen Hotline2022-05-10
36 78% of Wanhua Residents were Satisfied with the Disturbance Prevention During the Qingshan King Festival2022-04-21
37Taipei and New Taipei Expanding the Collaboration in the Post-Pandemic Era 2022-04-14
38The Appreciation Party of Tenacious Fight Against Pandemic - The Taipei City Anti-Covid Report2022-03-07
39Mayor Ko holds Job Approval Rating at 62%2022-02-18
40Taipei City’s Roads Quality Remains Satisfied Rate to 64%2022-01-20